Terease & Rolin

June 29, 2025 • Lebanon, TN
107 Days To Go!

Terease & Rolin

June 29, 2025 • Lebanon, TN
107 Days To Go!

Our Story

How We Met!

Rolin and Terease initially met sitting next to each other on a church pew at Bethel World Outreach church in Brentwood TN. Several months later Rolin was seated in the same vicinity and heard a beautiful voice worshiping behind him… it was Terease’s voice. He approached her after service and learned that her youngest daughter would be attending the University of Oregon, coincidentally, that is his Alma Mater. As the conversation progressed he saw that Terease would be releasing her first book within weeks, entitled “Successfully Single”. He asked her out a couple times to no avail. After a couple weeks, he decided to fast and seek God for direction. He heard nothing about Terease, but heard only to hold the Israel flag (for the church’s multicultural celebration) and attend both Services on Sunday. Terease, meanwhile, didn’t attend service that Sunday but worked in the church’s accounting room instead. She worked the early service which was atypical. As she exited the accounting room, in the hallway, was Rolin who stood before her holding the Israel flag. She was not expecting to see him and wasn’t sure what to make of this encounter. After a few minutes of small talk, Rolin asked her to lunch. Posturing to answer him, Terease paused. She felt the peace of God fall on her. It was so noticeable, it left her speechless for a few seconds. She then answered and said she couldn’t do lunch, but dinner may work. It turned out that their first date was on a Thursday…one night prior to her receiving the first copy of her new book. After vacillating about whether to give him a copy or not, she decided to give it to him after a successful first date. On the following Sunday when they saw each other at church, Rolin raved about her book. She inquired as to the chapters that he had read. He responded that he had read the entire book and completed the exercises. They proceeded to brunch to go through the book together. That day a mutual bond was made. They spent the next couple months talking on the phone and seeing each other only at church. Later they elevated the relationship to ‘dating’ status. The two fell in love and got engaged a year later!